Just upload Your Selfies at Upmiup app and get free 30 Rs recharge,This offer is limited only for first 3000 Registrations, currently 1800 are done and 1200 users are still left to register and redeem this offer ,so just be fast before other users avail this offer,Upmiup is a Social networking Portal that let’s users upload pictures,interact with friends,’UP’ your photos and eventually become popular,So just upload selfies and get famous using this app,you can chat and interact with new and existing friends from the app,The promotional offer requires us to upload genuine selfies and get free mobile recharge,in order to avail this offer just follow up the instructions below.
Steps to avail the free recharge offer:-
In order to avail this offer Just follow this procedure,refer screenshots for clarifications
- Firstly download the app from Playstore,after downloading the app,click on ‘Are you New to UpmiUp Register now’,
- Fillup the email address and other details,and get ready to verify your email,
- Input the verification code received on your email and submit,registration will succeed now,
- Input your Mobile number and select the operator,
- Finally post Two Selfies and done,wait for 24 Hours to get the recharge.
(Click on any image to enlarge it)
Other details:-
Only Genuine Selfies will be counted and considered for recharge offer,the recharge requests will be considered in 24 hours,all the users are eligible for this offer,the promo offer is valid only for first 3000 Registration currently 1800 are done and 1200 are left,Both the selfies can be uploaded directly from the phone’s camera,This appalso features browsing Top female users,Top male users,Funny videos posted in the app and also what your friend posted on their walls.